“I Solemnly Swear I am Up to No Good!”
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Is it Sin or Self-Care?

Do you love when authenticity meets porn logic? Me too! That is why I took my Master's in Psych and opted for a career change that indulged my lifelong passion for all things sensual. Like starting out with a therapeutic sports massage that leads to ... detox? ... Sweating is considered detox, right?

Have you had someone in your life tell you, "I want you to WANT to do the dishes?" I've discovered that for me, that's exactly the "je-ne-sais-quoi" that makes encounters genuine instead of having something akin to Splenda instead of sugar or bacon-flavored tofu.

Massage? Escort? BOTH!

Touch, skin-to-skin communication, is like a mass instant download/upload of information and emotion. Quicker and faster than mere words. Through touch, you can tell right away the difference between someone just "doing their job" and someone whose very essence craves breathing new life into you.

I have to admit, I get all giddy taking control of someone by deliberately pampering them, be that with my oiled-up hands or making dining decisions for two. Don't get me wrong, I speak 7 languages, so I sit and do deep talk therapy, as well. However, I have found that touch and action tend to cut through the noise faster and are more difficult to fake.

Of course, I can SWITCH it up since my desire to administer comes from a passion to please and uplift. I get just as glowy and thrilled when someone else takes the wheel - if they choose to.


If this all sounds great, and you're wondering what's the catch? Well, while my mind and calendar are open to individuals of all backgrounds, body types, and ages, including distinguished gentlemen and adventurous couples - there is a highly selective, although unconventional, screening process.

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When you contact me I ask myself one question: Will spending time with you be a waste of mine?

It's important to me to establish a real connection that transcends the mundane. It's about creating a dynamic Vegas experience, fulfilling that craving for electrifying magnetism, a guilt-free, high-quality encounter of pampering - revitalization - and an escape for your body and soul. My regular clients describe it as "going to the Spa and the Shrink at the same time" —an Adventure of Well-Being.

And unless I think the potential is there to create this type of encounter, I consider it a waste of my time.

Are you a waste of my time? Or are you ready for your Pampered Vegas Tryst? The Magnetic Massage Experience?

When contacting me TEXT or EMAIL IS BEST!

☎ 702.530.9111‬ / VegasEscort777@gmail.com